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Can my International Freight forward collect from your warehouse?

  • Updated

To send your own freight forwarder you will need to follow the below steps.

1. Add your items to the cart and proceed to the checkout page

2. In the shipping address field please enter our warehouse address 64-66 Hoopers Road, Kunda Park Q 4556

3. Insert a note into the delivery notes section of checkout advising you are sending your own courier to collect. You must do this at checkout not email us after you place the order. If you do not enter the note at checkout the order will not be packed suitable for a company to collect and pickup will be rejected. 

4. Please forward all document/consignment notes 1 business day before you have scheduled to have that collected.

5. Our collection times are 8am-2pm Monday to Friday, we cannot offer collections outside of this time.

6. Please advise your carrier collections are from our dispatch department at 66 Hoopers Road Kunda Park. 

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