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How do I make the balloon garland?


How to Create your Balloon Garland:

1. Blow up your balloons

Using a manual pump or electric pump start blowing up your balloons . If you have balloons of varying sizes in your pack then just blow them up to their intended size. If you have all the same size in the pack and you would like different sizes in your garland blow them up to different sizes as you need. If you put to much air in the shape of the balloons may distort or pop easily.


2. Attach balloons to decorating strip

Use the clear garland strip we provide in each pack to attach the balloons. Start approx. 30cm from the end of the strop as you need that space to attach to the wall.

Insert your balloons in the pattern you require, remember you can always adjust the balloons later once you have hung the garland if you are not happy. Start with a basic pattern if this is your first time.

Remember to leave 10-15 of your smaller balloons to add at the end to fill in any gaps.


3. Attach your wall hooks

We recommend 3m removable hooks to hold the garlands to the wall as they are easy to remove and should not damage the wall. You should manually hold your balloon garland up first against the wall, so you have some idea where you require the hooks before attaching them to the

4. Attach the balloon garland to the wall

Attach the balloon garland to your hooks on the wall.  For the highest hook, put the hook through one the holes on the balloon strip.

Attach another part of the balloon garland to the wall by the same method or maybe with string through the balloon strip hole and attach that to the hook. You may need to use string if your garland is thick with balloons.


5. Fill in the gaps

Use balloon glue dots to attach leftover balloons into spaces with holes. Just remember once you use the dot the balloon is stuck in place it cannot be removed so test and look prior to using the dots.

When working with the dots it is best to put one dot on the inside of the balloon so you won’t see the knot at the front of the garland then put another glue dot on the balloon you just attached and connect it to another balloon. 2 dots will stop balloons from randomly falling.



6. Working with foil and chrome balloons

To work with these types of balloons you will require a manual pump. Never use an automatic pump as you will not have the control not to overfill and pop the balloons.


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