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How to Install Shimmer Panels


How to install your shimmer wall

There are 2 methods to install the shimmer wall. Using wall hook such as 3m command removable hooks or on a frame system.

We always recommend attaching to a wall or board/mesh frame for more stability however with a little more effort you can attach these to a frame with no backboard using zip ties.

  1. Prepare your equipment first

You will need your shimmer panels, small Phillips head screwdriver, pliers, small/thin zip ties and wall hooks if you are attaching to the wall.

  1. Prepare you panels


Your panels will be packages with sequins together in most case. To separate these please wiggle gently until the panel come apart from each other. DO NOT at any stage pull hard as you will damage the sequins causing them to fall off.

Now you need to look carefully at a panel to work out the orientation the panels will be connected in. Each sequin will fit within the square of plastic, if you have sequins hanging outside of the plastic turn the panel until all sequins fall inside the panel. See images below





  1. Sorting the panels

Now to work out the top and bottom of the panel. Look at your panel, the top of the frame has the nails along the top and the sequin fulling inside the frame at the bottom.

If using zip ties please check the rear of the panels to make sure the punch holes are full pushed through. If not use a small Phillips head screwdriver or punch to punch the last bit of plastic out. Photo below highlighting the punch holes in green, pink shows one you will need punch out the last bit of plastic.

Check and sort all of your panels in this method and lay them face down on top of each other in a pile with all tops furthest away from you in the same position.



  1. Attaching the panels

If you are mounting direct to a board with Velcro or double-sided tape, start to install then panels.

If using hanging hooks on a wall/mesh back board or free hanging on a frame, we find it is best to work in sets of 4 connecting 4 panels at a time in a grid layout flat on the ground following the instructions below.

Lay your panels sequin side down on the floor and form the grid of 4 (2x2).

From here use the above highlighted holes to attach the panels together using zip ties. Use the pliers to help loop the zip ties though the holes and cut the excess left after they are tightened.

Continue in the 4-panel grid at ground level until you have the required size

Once complete mount onto your frame using hanging hooks or more zip ties. If you do not have a backboard or mesh you will need to attach zip ties along the sides to keep the panel as stable as possible in this setup.

Spare Parts:

If upon checking your panels you notice damaged/missing sequins please advise us how many sequins and replacement nail if needed you are requiring so we can forward those onto y

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